Keith Carey with Max International Products (Health) - MLM

Keith Carey and His Business, Max International Products: MaxGXL, MaxWLX and Max N-Fuze

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue is a syndrome characterized by muscle & joint pain, cognitive difficulties and severe mental and physical exhaustion. There are no laboratory tests to determine the presence of chronic fatigue. Unfortunately, many treatable medical and psychiatric conditions, such as mononucleosis, Lyme disease, thyroid conditions, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, various cancers, depression and bipolar disorder, have similar symptoms, so diagnosing Chronic Fatigue can take years.

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MaxGXL - Possible Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Max International Products: MaxGXL, MaxWLX and Max N-Fuze

Despite decades of research, the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome remains unknown. Many causes have been considered and much of the research has centered on the immune, endocrine and nervous systems. But environmental factors may also play a significant role in exacerbating the symptoms associate with Chronic Fatigue.

MaxGXL - Treatment of Chronic Fatigue

Max International Products: MaxGXL, MaxWLX and Max N-Fuze

Lifestyle changes, including nutritional supplementation and stress reduction, are frequently recommended in addition to drug therapies. Increasingly, Glutathione supplementation is being used to reduce the symptoms most often experienced by sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

MaxGXL - Increasing glutathione levels

Medical pioneer Dr. Robert H. Keller has dedicated years of research and development to creating MaxGXL, proven to naturally optimize the body's production of Glutathione, one of the most powerful, versatile, and important self-generated antioxidants in the human body.

Max International Products: MaxGXL, MaxWLX and Max N-Fuze

Glutathione has recently been in the news because of its effectiveness in treating the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Learn more now at

MaxGXL's patented formula dramatically increases glutathione in the body by as much as 292%.

Here's what MaxGXL can do for you:

Max International Products: MaxGXL, MaxWLX and Max N-Fuze

  • Increase energy production in the body
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Detoxify the body
  • Fight the cellular inflammation often seen in
  • Chronic Fatigue sufferers

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome link to MaxGXL

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may cause a reduction in our cells' abilities to function optimally. Given our exposure to stress and pollutants, it's no wonder we begin to lose energy, vitality and mental alertness without the proper nutritional support. The Glutathione in MaxGXL has been shown to detoxify and improve liver function and strengthen the immune system, working to improve mental function, increase energy and concentration, and improve the functioning of certain organs.

MaxGXL - The Unsurpassed Antioxidant Power of MaxGXL

MaxGXL promotes the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb Glutathione. MaxGXL also aids in liver support, thus helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for Glutathione. And while juices and berries are currently popular as good antioxidants, they do not compare to the energy-sustaining power of MaxGXL, which increases cellular protection and function, and helps sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome get back on their feet.

MaxGXL - Don't Wait- Feel Better Today!

If restoring your health and vitality are important to you and Chronic Fatigue is standing in the way of optimum health, MaxGXL is the right supplement for you. Click HERE today to learn more about the benefits of glutathione and MaxGXL.